

ICD Group is comprised of companies experienced in the dialysis industry. The idea of forming this consortium was born in 2010, with Meditechsys, which produces dialyzers, as the first member and founder of the ICD Group. Through the development of facilities, other companies joined which allowed for the expansion activities. At present time, ICD has eight members, united under the same policy to pursue the group goals. A respectable industry recognition is the most valuable achievement for the consortium.

Mission and Goals

ICD Group strives to improve the health care system. Therefore, our goals and objectives are defined as follows:

  • Philanthropy according to the cycle of “research, industry and treatment”
  • Producing high quality dialysis equipment and products for patients
  • Designing, constructing and standardizing dialysis clinics
  • Equipping clinics with modern and efficient equipment
  • Integrated distribution of dialysis products and services
  • Customer care and desired after-sales services
  • Improving nursing services and caretaking conditions
  • Improving the quality of dialysis therapy and patients’ comfort


Iranian Consortium of Dialysis obtained great achievements:

  • Increasing local production to make Iran self-sufficient considering dialysis equipment
  • Exporting dialysis products caused to increase incoming foreign exchange
  • Boosting GDP and decreasing outgoing foreign exchange due to imported products
  • Raising employment rate
  • Upgrading local knowledge and technology
  • Improving the quality of dialysis for patients
  • Patients’ lifetime extension and reducing dialysis costs
  • Lowering the costs of supplying the equipment and pharmaceuticals for dialysis by improving CMS


Iranian consortium of dialysis strives to improve health care system. Hence, perspective of the role and position of consortium is defined as follows:

  • Having an effective role in supplying dialysis products and services in Iran and international merkets
  • To act as a consultant and expert in the program of developing dialysis care
  • Gaining fame as an expert and pioneer in exporting dialysis products and services
  • Being a reliable source for managers, dialysis clinics and customers

Environmental Sustainability

Considering environmental protection, Meditechsys Company adopted an efficient burner system that reduces Ethylene Oxide emission to a minimum.


Noise Pollution Reduction


  • Meditechsys and Pharmed use automatic doors and door closers to reduce noise pollution
  • Noise isolating headphones are used inside factories of the consortium
  • Installation with the lowest noise are used



Energy Management


  • Meditechsys and Pharmed use insulated glazing windows, and automatic insulated doors to reduce the workplace energy waste
  • Choosing highly efficient heating systems is among the other actions taken by the companies to ensure better energy management


Industrial Safety


To maximize industry safety in the workplace, Meditechsys and Pharmed ensured the following actions were implemented:

  • Personnel safety training
  • Safety of machinery, from designing to launching: new initiatives for production line safety
  • Implementing National Safety Standards
  • Employing different hazard mitigation strategies to ensure employees’ safety
  • Conducting different Hazard and Crisis Management workshops for the employees
  • Furnishing personnel with individual safety equipment
  • Providing first aid kits and treatment facilities