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Meditechsys joined the 2000-member community of Iran and Germany Chamber of Commerce and Industry in December 2009 to develop trading
Association of Medical, Dental & Lab Equipment Manufacturers was established to reserve the legal rights and interests of producers and to set the necessary standards for quality control of services and products. All members of this association are obliged to observe the technical principles, but equally, the national standards. They also have to prove their capabilities of production in the field of medical equipment. Pharmed Medical Industries has been a member of this association since January 2013.
Meditechsys increased production potential in 2014 and is ready to export its products. In present time, Syria is the primary customer of dialysers produced by Meditechsys. This company became a member of the Syndicate of Medical Equipment Exporters in August 2014. Members of the syndicate benefit from the exchange of technical knowledge, resulting in the improvement of conditions for export purposes.
This syndicate organizes the production of human pharmaceuticals, improves the production quality, and develops exports. Continuous marketing for gathering information about demand and supply, cooperative decisions, interacting with credit institutions and banks, scientific and research activities, giving advice on setting the standards, providing legal and advisory services and specialized training for specific jobs are among the most prominent activities of this syndicate. Pharmed Medical Industries has been a member of the syndicate since October 2014.